Sunday, April 27, 2008

Faithful in the Present

I've been thinking a lot lately about living in the present. What does this mean, what does this look like, how do we even do this? Sometimes I feel as if my mind is in five different places at once. I'm watching a movie, but I'm also doing homework, texting friends who live 100 miles away, and checking my e-mail. I'm always thinking about what's next, what else I can be doing to make my time productive and efficient to the highest degree. But I'm finding that as I do this, I'm not getting joy out of simple things. If I'm out to lunch with a friend, and I'm also thinking about the next text message I will be sending (or even texting at the table!), then I'm not fully focused on the person that is in my life at that moment, who God has placed right in front of me. Because there is a reason for the "now" in my life, am I being completely faithful to what I've been given? I hope that I can be, because I'm never going to get those moments back.

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