Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This Past Week (1)

This past week, I have wept for so many things--pain, sorrow, fear, joy, love. I've been challenged in incredible ways, pushed with a forceful shove to turn my eyes back to the gospel, and enlightened to how radical God's love for me really is. I've been inspired to shed my skin of unbelief and to let Christ emanate from my soul.

I've been forced with an iron fist out of my comfort zone but placed into one where I am completely free. I have been freed to see the beauty of people, to see the gem that has been placed inside each individual. To draw that out of them. I have been freed to love truly and without limits, without conditions. I have been freed to ascertain thoughts of the future only because I am living in the moment, trusting in the grace of the moment.

I've witnessed the devastation of sin but the Truth of Christianity. And my prayer then becomes a search for the REAL. for reality. for a living God.

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