Thursday, January 3, 2008

more on success.

i'm still learning about what "success" truly is, in my own eyes and in God's eyes.

i'm definitely a person that is schedule-oriented: i like things to be done in certain time frames, i am addicted to my planner, i hate it when everything isn't checked off on my to-do list, and i get frustrated when things don't go according to plan (especially my plan). i evaluate the success of a day by how many things i get done. but this is a sin!! when will i learn that the Lord is not concerned with how many things i get done in a day, but in how faithful i am to him throughout the day? if i'm not glorifying God in my everyday "stuff," then it doesn't even matter. i focus so much on the results, while God has promised that he will be committed to the process of making me holy. when i get frustrated or angry, i'm fighting God, not just situations or people who get in the way.

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