Thursday, February 28, 2008

SO post-modern.

I've been thinking a lot about blogging lately, just blogging in general (sparked by the recent veritas blog post), and it reminds me of post-modernism. Blogging embodies so much of what post-modern is in and of itself--people are communicating and conversing with their own thoughts and opinions, so much dialogue is happening back and forth. No one may necessarily be "right" or hold absolute truth, but the conversation is ongoing.

I think this is good because there needs to be conversation, and substantial conversation at that. And by conversation I mean the presentation of ideas back and forth, the responses to what someone writes. There must be a safe place for this, and I think in a way blogs provide that. People can anonymously read and react to different ideas they are digesting, thinking about things they might never have thought about.

But where is the line drawn between blogging and reality? Because ultimately, there IS Truth that can be known. Maybe blogging can lead someone closer to that Truth, and maybe it can lead someone down a wrong path. We need to continually be testing what we are believing with what we know to be right--Scripture.

Just some thoughts. And for kicks, this blog post was so post-modern too.

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