Wednesday, April 23, 2008

summer reading roster.

there are tons of books that i want to read this summer; here's a list of just a few of those:

- artificial happiness: the dark side of the new happy class, by ronald dworkin
- east of eden, by john steinbeck
- a widow for one year, by john irving
- the god delusion, by richard dawkins
- the master plan of evangelism, by robert coleman
- persuasion, by jane austen
- the mark of a christian, by francis schaeffer
- the weight of glory, by c.s. lewis
- the god who is there, by francis schaeffer
- future grace, by john piper
- the bruised reed, by richard sibbs
- the mortification of sin, by john owen
- a theology as big as the city, by ray bakke
- the american city and the evangelical church: a historical overview, by harvie conn

what are the chances i will get through all of these? well.. chances are slim, but i'm excited for the challenge.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Crazy girl. You read too much. It's almost robotic.